''Art Attack'' is a British children's television series revolving around art hosted by Lloyd Warbey on Disney Junior. The original series was one of CITV's longest running programmes, running from 1990 to 2007, and was presented throughout by Neil Buchanan. The new series launched on Disney Junior (UK & Ireland) on 6 June 2011 and was presented by Jassa Ahluwalia. Each show involved Ahluwalia voicing-over footage of an artist producing three works of art, taking the viewer through the various stages of production step by step. == History == The programme was originally a TVS production, devised by two TVS employees, Neil Buchanan and Tim Edmunds. Buchanan and Edmunds met each other at Southern Television in 1978, and worked together on ''No. 73'' and ''Do It!''. The first Art Attacks were a strand within No. 73, and this segment proved so popular, Nigel Pickard the executive producer of children's programming at TVS green lit the pilot. The Art Attack pilot was shot on location at a disused swimming pool in Gillingham, Kent in 1989, and the series began the following year. When TVS lost its franchise, Edmunds and Buchanan bought the rights to the show and produced ''Art Attack'' through their company, The Media Merchants. The Media Merchants used STV Productions (then known as "SMG Productions"), as the ITV company to get the series on to network. This was partly down to the fact Nigel Pickard moved to Scottish television. The rights to the STV shows have since reverted to the copyright holder. In 1993 another ex-TVS employee, Peter Urie set up a production management company, Television Support Services. Television Support Services managed all of the Media Merchants productions. The show was filmed from The Maidstone Studios, Maidstone, Kent. In 1998, the series began airing on the Disney Channel. However, the programme still runs on TVO in Canada and has since 1995. Since the programme's demise, many of the production team have transferred to ''Finger Tips'' and ''Mister Maker'' (both recorded at The Maidstone Studios). ITV announced the cancellation of the series in July 2007. As of August 2013, the show is still regularly repeated on CITV each year, usually on weekend afternoons. In 2010, Disney announced a new version of the series would air on Disney Junior in Mexico and the UK. The first series of the new version was presented by Jassa Ahluwalia. In 2012, Buchanan was featured in a segment dedicated to the programme's original run in the one-off documentary special ''30 Years of CITV'', a 1992 episode was broadcast on the CITV channel shortly after the above was broadcast, as part of its Old Skool Weekend marathon. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Art Attack」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク